Saturday, May 9, 2015

Baby Elle Pics!

Warning: adorable cuteness is in this post and I love it! When Laura and Curt welcomed Eleanor into this world, I knew I'd have to come out and take some sweet photos of this lil one! She was a little camera shy, but I think they turned out amazing!

Pilcher Maternity Photoshoot

This story started with a wonderful coworker of mine, Crystal. She deserves some kind of metal, national honor day, or a couple million dollars because she is the sweetest, kindest, most giving person I can think of! When I started working at Van Buren, she was always available if I needed guidance. I felt honored to have met her family and it wasn't long after, that her daughter started working with us as well. Amber is just like her mother! I can't believe the heart these two ladies have! After Amber got married, it wasn't much longer until baby girl was on her way! Again, a moment in time is all I capture, but I feel the joyous feelings and remember our conversations during these photo shoots like I just came from them! It helps that lil' man, Jackson, is ADORABLE! ;)

Mothers Day Girls!

My husband and I are both teachers, so we often find ourselves being pulled to each others co-workers. Mandy and her sister were looking for some last minute photos together for a quick Mother's Day project and I was the lucky one to capture these lovely ladies and their babies! :)

Zander Engagment Session

Derek and Anna are two of the nicest and caring people you'll ever meet. I love calling them friends and I wish them the happiest of marriages in their future! They deserve it! Look at how in love they are!

Bjork Maternity Photos

I always feel like it is a pleasure to photograph friends, but lately I think I am the one getting spoiled! My close friends are slowly calling more and wanting me to help capture moments in our every changing lives. Laura and Curt have already welcomed a little girl into their lives, but this photo shoot focuses on their pregnancy!