Sunday, April 10, 2022

Dolphin Engagement

Love is in the air! 4-9-22

When A.J. asked if I would photograph his engagement, I was ecstatic! And when the time came, it was like a movie scene... a homeless person sitting on a bench and an unexpecting girlfriend having no idea that the day was about to take a HUGE turn. 

As A.J. walked towards the homeless person, it turned out it was myself waiting for the big event. Grace, frozen on her bicycle, questioning if A.J. really knew that person or was just talking to a random person, was immediately in shock when she realized that the regular bike ride was turning into a life changing moment. A.J. asked if she could come stand in front of him as he revealed a bright red box and dropped to one knee. Repeatedly asking if this was a joke, Grace was overcome with emotions and the tears started flowing. "Will you marry me?" asked A.J., with a huge smile on his face. Grace said "YES!"

Being both of your friends and being able to document this day was a blessing. CONGRATULATIONS to the next chapter in your forever story! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Alivia's Senior Photos

 Alivia is the daughter of one of my coworkers, and the whole family is full of amazing souls! It was a pleasure to go with the flow and take such genuine photos of this senior! You're going to do amazing things, Alivia. We cannot wait to see what more you bring to this world!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Willimack Family

 Had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful family! So glad I got the whole crew to smile and our hair didn't get messed up in the golf carts! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Brynn Van Horn

 What started as polite bonfire conversation turned into an amazing photo shoot with this beauty! So honored to have the chance to take her photos and talk to this kind hearted senior here at Central DeWitt! 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Crandall Family Photos Fall 2020

 This family brings so much joy to my heart and soul! Such great humans and I'm the lucky one that they keep around đŸ’—These pictures turned out even better then I imagined! 

Thank you so much for letting me be apart of your lives!